June/July Output Eclipses 2013 Figures

Aug 22

Increases Reflect Improved Construction Conditions and Product Strengths

OOLITIC, IND., – 8/22/14 – New production figures from Indiana Limestone Co. show a 124 percent increase in stone output for June and July compared to the same period in 2013. These figures reflect improved U.S. construction conditions and product strength. Company officials attributed the strong production numbers to demand from architects, builders and building owners. The Oolitic, Indiana-based company is one of the world’s largest producers of architectural limestone.

“In addition to its unique beauty, strength, and durability, natural limestone stands up well in comparison to manufactured alternatives as a green building material,” said company CEO, Tom Quigley. “There is no ‘or equal’ selection when it comes to the timeless good looks of Indiana limestone. Its combination of aesthetic characteristics is unique. In thousands of structures built during a time span of more than a century, this natural stone has displayed consistent qualities of color, warmth, surface and depth that no other product matches.”

Another fundamental reason that limestone is being selected is the longevity that it guarantees. Often manufactured building products are chosen as an economy measure, but some of them may not be appropriate when a structure’s planned lifecycle exceeds 15 years. Quarried limestone, on the other hand, can weather decades or even centuries of use while remaining in excellent condition. This can be attested by the many buildings dating to the 1870s and even earlier that use it and still stand in excellent shape. (Improved extraction methods also mean that many limestone products are equal or less expensive than cast stone varieties.)

The sustainability of Indiana limestone is also believed to have contributed to revived demand over recent months. Though it has been quarried from three counties in the state since the 19th century, remaining proven reserves will last for hundreds of years to come, even allowing for widespread use. In practice, this stone is extremely low-maintenance, in most cases needing only repointing at long intervals and occasional surface cleaning. The need to expend scarce resources to maintain it is very limited.

Should a structure be razed, the limestone used can generally close the circle of recycling and reuse  as building elements, perimeter walls, landscape stone, or site fill. With restoration projects much of the original stone remains in place.

Improvements to industrial processes have made the preparation of Indiana limestone for building installation exceptionally green. Indiana Limestone Co. recycles water in its plants and has equipped those locations with air-handling systems. In addition, modern manufacturing systems have also reduced noise levels in these manufacturing centers.

The heartland location of Indiana Limestone means that its quarried products can earn Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design  (LEED) points for buildings in cities situated within 500 miles across the Midwest, East and Upper South: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Indianapolis, Cedar Rapids, St. Louis, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Memphis, Louisville, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Detroit, Wheeling and many others.

Categories: Company News

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