Introducing The Hub
BLOOMINGTON, IND., 2/25/16 – The Hub, an online educational resource from Indiana Limestone Company, provides working information of specific value to architects and a range of other professionals in the building design and construction industries. This new online publication is available here, where visitors can sign up to receive it direct to their email.
Developed and managed by Indiana Limestone Company’s advertising agency of record, Fat Atom of Carmel, Indiana, The Hub provides in-depth information on essential topics related to the use of structural and decorative stone.
Entries so far have featured information on selecting the ideal limestone for specific projects, trends shaping the future of architecture, and news from the Indiana Limestone Company.
Among other subjects slated for future stories are interviews with leading Indiana architects and reports on notable projects employing the company’s prized construction stone.
“The Hub is focused on supporting the efforts of architects with information they can use at many levels – design, engineering support, estimating and other essential elements of their work,” said Indiana Limestone COO Duffe Elkins. “But this material can be just as useful to other professionals – contractors, landscape designers, building managers, property owners and many others.”
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