ILCO CFO Matt Howard Earns IBJ CFO of the Year Honors
BLOOMINGTON, IN – 12/13/2016 – Indiana Limestone Company Chief Financial Officer Matt Howard has been named the “2016 CFO of the Year” by the Indianapolis Business Journal. The publication selected him as a Top Honoree in the category of “Private Company – $100 Million in revenue or less.”
The award recognizes Howard’s key efforts in support of Indiana Limestone Company’s notable turnaround success starting in 2014. Wynnchurch Capitol, a leading middle-market private equity firm focused on investments in niche manufacturing, acquired Indiana Limestone Company in May of 2014.
In a little over a year, ILCO has doubled its excavation figures and restablished itself as one of central Indiana’s leading employers, adding 43 new jobs during that time period. Executives at Wynnchurch and Indiana Limestone Company said Howard was an essential piece in the company’s strong growth over the past two-and-a-half years.
“Indiana Limestone Company, in partnership with Wynnchurch, has reasserted the industry leadership it held for many decades,” said John Hatherly, Co-Managing Partner at Wynnchurch. “Matt’s been one of the most important players in that remarkable progress. His judgement, skill and dedication have helped keep ILCO on the strongest possible fiscal footing as it moved ahead to exploit new markets and sharpen product and service offerings to its traditional customer base. I can’t think of any financial officer who’s more deserving of the honor.”
Said Tom Quigley, Indiana Limestone CEO, “We’re more than proud of Matt’s accomplishments as our CFO. This award sets the seal on all he’s done here. Dynamic management of the finance side of our work was a prime element in achieving what we have here. We’ve seen major revenue and earnings growth, and we’ve established important new business relationships. Matt’s work was fundamental in making it all happen.”
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