Indiana Limestone CEO Tom Quigley Shares Growth Secrets At Lincoln International Growth Conference

Feb 08

BLOOMINGTON, IND. – A presentation by Tom Quigley, chief executive officer of the Indiana Limestone Company, was featured recently in the first annual Growth Conference held by Lincoln International, a middle-market investment banking firm based in Chicago.

Quigley’s talk at the conference included a brief history of Indiana Limestone Company, a review of the firm’s robust recovery and accelerated growth over the last two-and-a-half years, and a detailed analysis of the marketing, product development, acquisition and overall investment efforts that helped make it possible.

The Indiana Limestone CEO was one of several leaders on hand from high-growth companies in the building and infrastructure category, which is one sector of focus for Lincoln. Other featured categories included health care and technology/media.

In all, more than 45 presenters, mainly company chief executives, took part before an audience of some 300 representing private equity funds, venture capital funds and other investment organizations. The event also allowed time for one-on-one meetings between presenting executives and investment-firm attendees.

“We felt that Tom’s presentation on effective efforts from a CEO’s perspective was very much in line with the spirit of the conference,” said Michael Fineman, Director at Lincoln international. “He revealed the key historical drivers of growth for Indiana Limestone and the key drivers going forward – it was very well received.”




Categories: Company News

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