Indiana Limestone Company Receives IEDC Governor’s Half Century Business Award

Mar 28

Bloomington, Ind., March 28, 2017 – Indiana Limestone Company was honored March 27 by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation with its Governor’s Half Century Business award, recognizing more than 50 years of business operation. Governor Eric J. Holcomb presented the award to Indiana Limestone CEO Tom Quigley in a ceremony at the state house in Indianapolis.

“Today, we honor Indiana businesses that have withstood the test of time, helping to drive Indiana’s economy forward,” Governor Holcomb said. “I am thrilled to celebrate this year’s honorees and their integral role in building one of the nation’s best business climates. Together, I’m confident we will continue to take Indiana to the next level, ensuring Indiana is the best place to start a business, grow a business and get a job.”

The Governor’s Half Century and Century Business Awards honor Hoosier businesses that have remained in operation for a minimum of 50 or 100 consecutive years and have also demonstrated a commitment to community service. More than 1,400 companies from across the state have been recognized during the 26-year history of the award.

At yesterday’s event, the IEDC singled out 34 distinguished companies who display an impressive combination of longevity and outstanding municipal citizenship.

Indiana Limestone Company was founded 91 years ago in Lawrence County. Predecessor firms actually operated quarries in the region since the 1800s. The company has provided the material in iconic structures such as the Empire State Building, the National Cathedral, the Pentagon, more than half the state capitols in the U.S., Yankee Stadium, and 15 Central Park West in New York City.

“Our limestone products are quarried from one of the world’s premier deposits of this beautiful, durable natural resource,” said Quigley. “For many decades, architects and builders have understood the lasting value of Indiana Limestone and incorporated it into many famous structures.

“But the real foundation of a company that survives for so long is the people of our state. It’s only by their dedication, ingenuity, and sheer hard work that a company with its roots in the 19th Century can still be going strong in the 21st. We are extremely proud and grateful to receive this award from Governor Holcomb.”

For more on Indiana Limestone Company and its products, visit

Categories: Company News

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