New Stone Blends from Baltazar’s Stone of Omaha Capitalize on Classic Look of Indiana Limestone Company Products
Bloomington, Ind., May 23, 2018 – A leading Omaha-based supplier of construction stone is creating a spectrum of new blends that mingle the classic beauty of Indiana limestone with other appealing stone from across the country. At the heart of these beautiful combinations is stone from Indiana Limestone Company, who is a perennial leader in providing construction stone for nearly a century.
Baltazar Sauceda, an industry veteran who has been providing stone for Midwestern homes and outdoor living spaces for more than a decade, saw in the depth and timeless beauty of Indiana limestone the basis for a series of new stone blends.
“We look around the country for stone to combine with the Indiana stone,” Sauceda said. “There are products from Oklahoma, Kansas stone, rock from Texas and Montana, and we’re making it our specialty to create new blends all the time.”
To date, Baltazar’s Stone has created six new blends using natural thin veneers and full-depth stone from Indiana Limestone Company, with plans to expand the line to 20.
In the design world, warm and radiant greys like those that characterize Indiana limestone are strongly on trend today. As they work well with practically any other colors, they provide a visual basis for realizing the widest possible range of design intentions. The blends that Baltazar’s Stone has developed (and others created by innovative American stone providers) apply the beauty of Indiana limestone to maximum effect.
To learn more about Baltazar’s Stone, visit http://baltazarsstone.com/.
Find more on Indiana Limestone Company and its products at www.indianalimestonecompany.com.
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