Kansas City Newspaper Touts City’s Limestone Architecture
BLOOMINGTON, IND., 10/21/16 – A recent feature in the Kansas City Star describes limestone in the region’s architectural environment as “more intrinsic to Kansas City than jazz and barbecue.” The story heralds new construction, with stone from historic quarries in Indiana, the city’s hinterlands and elsewhere in the U.S., as a complement to decades of visually defining limestone use.
“It’s everywhere,” according to author Cynthia Billhartz Gregorian. “In retaining walls, landscapes, patios, on the inside and outside walls of elegant houses and famous buildings, surrounding swimming pools and fronting fireplaces. It’s also sprinkled over the ground as gravel, sculpted into fountains and chiseled into garden benches and statues.”
Featured in the piece is a new home in Leawood, Kansas, which employs stone throughout provided by the Indiana Limestone Company, Bloomington.
“Full-bed depth limestone veneer from Indiana was used on the front and sides of the home,” said T.J. Jackson, director of sales at Sturgis Rock Solid Solutions, Kansas City, Kansas. The back of the house, graced by an outdoor fireplace and four surrounding columns, is constructed with the company’s natural thin veneer.
Indiana limestone is also employed around a backyard pool and in nearly all the rooms inside. The “contemporary eclectic” home was custom-built by B.L. Rieke Homes, Lenexa, Kansas.
Fine-grained, color-consistent Indiana limestone is an increasingly popular choice in contemporary residential design.
To see the full story, go to http://www.kansascity.com/livi
For more information on Indiana Limestone Company and its products, visit www.indianalimestonecompany.c
Categories: Company News
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